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Title:《Mount Huang》 No.B00393
Title:《打斗 Battle》 No.B00394
Title:《The Sentry》 No.B00395
Title:《leisurely and carefree》 No.B00396
Title:《Early snow shines on Basha》 No.B00397
Title:《Celebration Wine for the Harvest Year》 No.B00398
Title:《火眼金睛 Eagle eye》 No.B00204
Title:《湖光树影 Tree shadows in the lake》 No.B00205
Title:《守护天山 The Guardians of Tianshan》 No.B00206
Title:《坚固的顶棚 Firm roof structure》 No.B00207
Title:《牧羊 Shepherding》 No.B00208
Title:《风中摇曳的经幡 Fluttering prayer flags》 No.B00209
Title:《思索 Thinking》 No.B00210
Title:《听书 Listen to storytelling》 No.B00211
Title:《扣人心弦的演出 Riveting performance》 No.B00212
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